To the science-savvy friends I have out there: This is the results of an MTS assay measuring proliferation of cancer cells treated with a dose curve of cisplatin, and this shows that compared to the control (con), my shRNA knockdown of this particular gene (labeled as RH7 and RH9) shows an obvious sensitivity to the cispatin, as demonstrated by the lack of conversion of the MTS reagent in the two lanes compared to the control. Which means, this could be a potential cancer gene. Yay!
To the non-science-savvy but super fabulous friends/readers: When I try to eliminate this gene in cancer cells (lanes RH7 and 9), the colorimetric test shows that they die more easily to the chemotherapy drug I added. Since the absence of this gene causes this effect, it means that this gene might be important in cancer progression. Yay!
Okay, sorry for the digression.
Back to food, fashion and beauty!

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